Group Registration

  • Perfect for smaller teams or groups up to 160 account.

  • Important: You can add up to 160 groups of 10 to your cart (for a total of 160 items).

  • Get a 5% discount for registering a group of 10.

  • Ideal for medium-sized teams or departments.

  • Important: You can add up to 160 groups of 100 to your cart (for a total of 160 items).

  • Get a 10% discount for registering a group of 100.

  • Best suited for large organizations or educational institutions..

  • Important: You can add up to 160 groups of 1000 to your cart (for a total of 160 items).

  • Enjoy a 15% discount for registering a group of 1000.

Up to 1600

Individuals with 5% Discount

Up to 16000

Individuals with 10% Discount

Up to 160000

Individuals with 15% Discount