Refund policy

AI Afrique Ltd.

At AI Afrique, we want to ensure a positive experience for all our mentors and mentees. To keep things fair and maintain the integrity of our platform, here’s how our refund policy works:

  1. Refund eligibility

    AI Afrique Limited offers a refund of payments made by our mentors or mentees within 14 days after being matched with a mentor or mentee, provided that the match is found to be unsuitable. Refunds will be issued minus any applicable bank or transaction fees.

  2. How to request a refund

    To request a refund, simply write to us within that 14-day window. You can reach our support team at

  3. Active participation requirement

    We want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your experience. Refunds will only be considered if you’ve actively engaged with your match through communication and participation during the 14-day period. Lack of engagement or refusal to interact may disqualify you from receiving a refund.

  4. Anti-fraud measures

    AI Afrique Ltd reserves the right to withhold or deny refunds if fraudulent activity is suspected. This includes, but is not limited to, situations where payments are made using stolen credit cards or other illicit means. If a transaction is found to be fraudulent, you won’t receive a refund, and we may take legal action to recover any lost funds.

  5. Non-refundable period

    Once the 14-day refund eligibility window has passed, no refunds will be issued under any circumstances.

By using AI Afrique Ltd's services, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.If you have any questions about refunds, feel free to reach out to us at